Getting Started =============== `cTDS` is built on top of `FreeTDS`_ and therefore is required to use `cTDS`. Installing FreeTDS ------------------ It is **highly** recommended to use the latest stable version of `FreeTDS`_, if possible. If this is not possible, `FreeTDS`_ can be installed using your system's package manager. .. warning:: Versions of `FreeTDS`_ prior to *0.95* contain defects which may affect `cTDS` functionality. Installation From Source ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `FreeTDS`_ can be easily built from the latest stable source for use in a `virtualenv`_ using the following: .. code-block:: bash # Create the virtual environment. virtualenv ctds-venv && cd ctds-venv wget '' tar -xzf freetds-patched.tar.gz pushd freetds-* # The "--with-openssl" argument is required to connect to some databases, # such as Microsoft Azure. ./configure \ --prefix "$(dirname $(pwd))" \ --with-openssl=$(openssl version -d | sed -r 's/OPENSSLDIR: "([^"]*)"/\1/') \ && make && make install popd Installation On Debian-based Systems ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Both *FreeTDS* and the *Python* development headers can easily be installed using the system package manager on Debian-based systems, such as Ubuntu. .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install freetds-dev python-dev Installation On Mac OS X ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On OS X, `homebrew`_ is recommended for installing `FreeTDS`_. .. code-block:: bash brew update brew install freetds Installation On Windows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On Windows, `FreeTDS`_ should be installed from the latest source code. A powershell script is included which may aid in this. You'll need `Visual C++ Build Tools`_ and `CMake`_ installed. Make sure you select the architecture matching your Python's in ``ctds\windows\run_with_msvc.cmd`` (i.e. replace ``CALL %VCVARS% amd64`` with ``CALL %VCVARS% x86`` if using 32-bit Python), otherwise you'll get errors like ``LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _bcp_batch``. .. code-block:: powershell # Add cmake to the path if necessary, using: $env:Path += ";c:\Program Files\CMake\bin\" ./windows/freetds-install.ps1 # FreeTDS headers and include files are installed to ./build/include # and ./build/lib PIP Installation ---------------- Once `FreeTDS`_ is installed, *cTDS* can be installed using `pip`_. When using a non-system version of `FreeTDS`_, use the following to specify which `include` and `library` directories to compile and link *cTDS* against. .. code-block:: bash # Assuming . is the root of the virtualenv. # Note: In order to load the locally built version of the # FreeTDS libraries either the working directory must be # the same as when ctds was installed or LD_LIBRARY_PATH # must be set correctly. pip install --global-option=build_ext \ --global-option="--include-dirs=$(pwd)/include" \ --global-option=build_ext \ --global-option="--library-dirs=$(pwd)/lib" \ --global-option=build_ext --global-option="--rpath=./lib" \ ctds # Alternatively, use the CTDS-specifc environment variables to # specify the include and library directories: CTDS_INCLUDE_DIRS=$(pwd)/include \ CTDS_LIBRARY_DIRS=$(pwd)/lib \ CTDS_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRS=$(pwd)/lib \ pip install ctds When using the system version of `FreeTDS`_, use the following: .. code-block:: bash pip install ctds When building on Windows, run the following in powershell: .. code-block:: powershell # current directory must be the ctds root $Env:CTDS_INCLUDE_DIRS = "$(pwd)/build/include" $Env:CTDS_LIBRARY_DIRS = "$(pwd)/build/lib" $Env:CTDS_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRS = "$(pwd)/build/lib" pip install -e . .. _FreeTDS: .. _homebrew: .. _pip: .. _virtualenv: .. _Visual C++ Build Tools: .. _CMake: