Source code for luminaire.model.window_density

from luminaire.model.base_model import BaseModel, BaseModelHyperParams
from luminaire.exploration.data_exploration import DataExploration

[docs] class WindowDensityHyperParams(BaseModelHyperParams): """ Hyperparameter class for Luminaire Window density model. :param str freq: The frequency of the time-series. Luminaire supports default configuration for 'S', T, '15T', 'H', 'D'. Any other frequency type should be specified as 'custom' and configuration should be set manually. :param float max_missing_train_prop: Maximum proportion of missing observation allowed in the training data. :param bool is_log_transformed: A flag to specify whether to take a log transform of the input data. If the data contain negatives, is_log_transformed is ignored even though it is set to True. :param str baseline_type: A string flag to specify whether to take set a baseline as the previous sub-window from the training data for scoring or to aggregate the overall window as a baseline. Possible values: - "last_window" - "aggregated" :param str detection_method: A string that select between two window testing method. Possible values: - "kldiv" (KL-divergence). This is recommended to be set for high frequency time series such as 'S', 'T' etc. - "sign_test" (Wilcoxon sign rank test). This is recommended to be set for low frequency time series such as 'H', 'D' etc. :param int min_window_length: Minimum size of the scoring window / a stable training sub-window length. .. Note :: This is not the minimum size of the whole training window which is the combination of stable sub-windows. :param int max_window_length: Maximum size of the scoring window / a stable training sub-window length. .. Note :: This is not the maximum size of the whole training window which is the combination of stable sub-windows. :param int window_length: Size of the scoring window / a stable training sub-window length. .. Note :: This is not the size of the whole training window which is the combination of stable sub-windows. :param str detrend_method: A string that select between two stationarizing method. Possible values: - "ma" (moving average based) - "diff" (differencing based). """ def __init__(self, freq=None, max_missing_train_prop=0.1, is_log_transformed=False, baseline_type="aggregated", detection_method=None, min_window_length=None, max_window_length=None, window_length=None, detrend_method='modeling' ): super(WindowDensityHyperParams, self).__init__( model_name="WindowDensityModel", freq=freq, max_missing_train_prop=max_missing_train_prop, is_log_transformed=is_log_transformed, baseline_type=baseline_type, detection_method=detection_method, min_window_length=min_window_length, max_window_length=max_window_length, window_length=window_length, detrend_method=detrend_method )
[docs] class WindowDensityModel(BaseModel): """ This model detects anomalous windows using KL divergence (for high frequency data) and Wilcoxon sign rank test (for low frequency data). This default monitoring frequency is set to pandas time frequency type 'T'. :param dict hyper_params: Hyper parameters for Luminaire window density model. See :class:`luminaire.model.window_density.WindowDensityHyperParams` for detailed information. :return: Anomaly probability for the execution window and other related model outputs :rtype: list[dict] """ __version__ = "0.1" def __init__(self, hyper_params: WindowDensityHyperParams().params or None, **kwargs): # Specifying the minimum and maximum number of training windows self.min_num_train_windows = 5 self.max_num_train_windows = 10000 self.hyper_params = hyper_params self.sig_level = 0.001 super(WindowDensityModel, self).__init__(**hyper_params, **kwargs) def _volume_shift_detection(self, mean_list=None, sd_list=None, probability_threshold=0.5): """ This function detects any significant shift in the training data volume using a Bayesian change point detection technique. :param list mean_list: The list of means from each training sub-window. :param list sd_list: The list of standard deviations from each training sub-window. :param float probability_threshold: Threshold for the probability value to be flagged as a change point. :return: Indices with significant vdata volume shift. :rtype: int """ import numpy as np from bayesian_changepoint_detection.priors import const_prior from bayesian_changepoint_detection.bayesian_models import offline_changepoint_detection import bayesian_changepoint_detection.offline_likelihoods as offline_ll from functools import partial # Volume shift detection over the means of the training window q, p, pcp = offline_changepoint_detection( data=np.array(mean_list), prior_function=partial(const_prior, p=1/(len(mean_list) + 1)), log_likelihood_class=offline_ll.StudentT(), truncate=-10) mask_mean = np.append(0, np.exp(pcp).sum(0)) > probability_threshold # Volume shift detection over the standard deviations of the training window change_points = np.array(mask_mean).nonzero() last_mean_cp = change_points[0][-1] if len(change_points[0]) > 0 else [] q, p, pcp = offline_changepoint_detection( data=np.array(sd_list), prior_function=partial(const_prior, p=1/(len(sd_list) + 1)), log_likelihood_class=offline_ll.StudentT(), truncate=-10) mask_sd = np.append(0, np.exp(pcp).sum(0)) > probability_threshold change_points = np.array(mask_sd).nonzero() last_sd_cp = change_points[0][-1] if len(change_points[0]) > 0 else [] # Change point is the maximum obtained from mean list and the standard deviation list cdate = max(last_mean_cp, last_sd_cp) return cdate def _distance_function(self, data=None, called_for=None, baseline=None): """ This function finds the distance of the given data from the baseline using KL divergence. :param list data: The list containing the scoring window (for scoring) / training sub-window (for training). :param str distance_method: The method to be used to calculate the distance between two datasets. :param str called_for: A flag to specify whether this function is called for training or scoring. :param list baseline: A list containing the base line to be compared with the given data. :return: KL divergence between two time windows. :rtype: float """ import numpy as np import scipy.stats as stats float_min = 1e-50 float_max = 1e50 # If called for training, Kl divergence is performed over each pair of consecutive windows to create # the past anomaly scores if called_for == "training": distance = [] for i in range(0, len(data) - 1): q = stats.gaussian_kde(data[i]) p = stats.gaussian_kde(data[i + 1]) ts_min = min(np.min(data[i]), np.min(data[i + 1])) ts_max = max(np.max(data[i]), np.max(data[i + 1])) density_domain = np.linspace(ts_min, ts_max, 1000) q = q(density_domain) p = p(density_domain) # approximating the zero probability regions to avoid divide by zero issue in KL divergence q[q == 0] = min(np.array(q)[np.array(q) > 0]) p[p == 0] = min(np.array(p)[np.array(p) > 0]) q = np.clip(q, float_min, float_max) p = np.clip(p, float_min, float_max) distance.append(stats.entropy(pk=p, qk=q)) # If called for scoring, Kl divergence is performed between the scoring window and the baseline elif called_for == "scoring": q = stats.gaussian_kde(baseline) p = stats.gaussian_kde(data) ts_min = min(np.min(baseline), np.min(data)) ts_max = max(np.max(baseline), np.max(data)) density_domain = np.linspace(ts_min, ts_max, 1000) q = q(density_domain) p = p(density_domain) q[q == 0] = min(np.array(q)[np.array(q) > 0]) p[p == 0] = min(np.array(p)[np.array(p) > 0]) q = np.clip(q, float_min, float_max) p = np.clip(p, float_min, float_max) distance = stats.entropy(pk=p, qk=q) return distance def _training_data_truncation(self, sliced_training_data=None): """ This function performs the truncation of the training data using the _volume_shift_detection function. :param list sliced_training_data: The list containing the training data. :return: Sliced training sample based on the most recent change point :rtype: list """ import numpy as np # Change point detection is performed over the means and standard deviations of the sub windows window_means = [] window_sds = [] for ts in sliced_training_data: window_means.append(np.mean(ts)) window_sds.append(np.std(ts)) change_point = self._volume_shift_detection(mean_list=window_means, sd_list=window_sds) # Truncating the training data based on the last change point if change_point: sliced_training_data_truncated = sliced_training_data[change_point:] return sliced_training_data_truncated else: return sliced_training_data def _call_training(self, df=None, window_length=None, imputed_metric=None, detrend_method=None, detection_method=None, freq=None, **kwargs): """ This function generates the baseline and training metrics to be used for scoring. :param pandas.DataFrame df: Input training data frame. :param int window_length: The length of a training sub-window. :param str imputed_metric: Column storing the time series values. :param str detrend_method: Detrend method "modeling" or "diff" for nonstationarity. :param str detection_method: Detection method "kldiv" or "sign_test". :param str freq: Data frequency. :return: Returns past anomaly scores based on training data, baseline and other related metrics. :rtype: tuple(list, float, float, float, int, list, luminaire.model, float, dict, list) """ import pandas as pd past_anomaly_scores = dict() gamma_alpha = dict() gama_loc = dict() gamma_beta = dict() detrend_order = dict() baseline = dict() agg_data_model = dict() agg_data = dict() past_model = kwargs.get('past_model') training_start = df.first_valid_index() training_end = df.last_valid_index() current_training_end = training_end while (training_end - current_training_end) < pd.Timedelta('1D'): df_current = df[df.index <= current_training_end] past_anomaly_scores_current, gamma_alpha_current, gama_loc_current, gamma_beta_current, \ detrend_order_current, baseline_current, agg_data_model_current, \ agg_data_current = self._anomalous_region_detection(input_df=df_current, window_length=window_length, value_column=imputed_metric, called_for="training", detrend_method=detrend_method, past_model=past_model, detection_method=detection_method) past_anomaly_scores.update({str(current_training_end.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')): past_anomaly_scores_current}) gamma_alpha.update({str(current_training_end.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')): float(gamma_alpha_current) if gamma_alpha_current else None}) gama_loc.update({str(current_training_end.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')): float(gama_loc_current) if gama_loc_current else None}) gamma_beta.update({str(current_training_end.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')): float(gamma_beta_current) if gamma_beta_current else None}) detrend_order.update({str(current_training_end.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')): detrend_order_current}) baseline.update({str(current_training_end.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')): baseline_current}) agg_data_model.update({str(current_training_end.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')): agg_data_model_current}) agg_data.update({str(current_training_end.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')): agg_data_current}) if isinstance(freq, str): freq = pd.Timedelta('1' + freq) current_training_end = current_training_end - min(pd.Timedelta('30T'), freq * 10) return past_anomaly_scores, gamma_alpha, gama_loc, gamma_beta, \ detrend_order, baseline, agg_data_model, agg_data, training_start, training_end def _get_model(self, input_df=None, window_length=None, value_column=None, detrend_method=None, baseline_type=None, detection_method=None, past_model=None): """ This function runs the training process given the input parameters. :param pandas.DataFrame input_df: Input data containing the training and the scoring data. :param int window_length: The length of a training sub-window / scoring window. :param str value_column: Column containing the values. :param str detrend_method: Selects between "modeling" or "diff" detrend method. :param str baseline_type: Selects between "aggregated" or "last_window" baseline. :param str detection_method: Selects between "kldiv" or "sign_test" distance method. :param luminaire.model.window_density.WindowDensityModel past_model: luminaire.model to append model metadata from past :return: Returns past anomaly scores based on training data, baseline and other related metrics. :rtype: tuple(list, float, float, float, int, list, luminaire.model, float) """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from itertools import chain import scipy.stats as st model_history_truncation_prop = 0.25 # This is the proportion of history to truncate from both sides # everytime we store the past anomaly scores de_obj = DataExploration() sliced_training_data, agg_datetime = de_obj._partition(input_df, window_length, value_column) # performing the stationarity test sliced_training_data_cleaned, detrend_order, agg_data_model, agg_data = de_obj._detrender( training_data_sliced=sliced_training_data, significance_level=0.05, detrend_method=detrend_method, agg_datetime=agg_datetime, past_model=past_model) # Obtain the past anomaly scores and the anomaly means and standard deviation if the detection method # is KL divergence if detection_method == "kldiv": past_anomaly_scores = np.array(self._distance_function(data=sliced_training_data_cleaned, called_for="training")) if past_model: model_timestamps = list(past_model._params['PastAnomalyScores'].keys()) training_end = input_df.index[-1] current_min_timedelta = pd.Timedelta('10D') for timestamp in model_timestamps: current_datetime = pd.Timestamp(str( + ' ' + timestamp) temp_timedelta = training_end - current_datetime temp_timedelta = pd.Timedelta('1D') + temp_timedelta if temp_timedelta < pd.Timedelta( 0) else temp_timedelta if temp_timedelta < current_min_timedelta: opt_timestamp = timestamp current_min_timedelta = temp_timedelta past_anomaly_scores = np.concatenate([past_model._params['PastAnomalyScores'][opt_timestamp][ int(len(past_anomaly_scores) * model_history_truncation_prop): -int(len(past_anomaly_scores) * model_history_truncation_prop)] , past_anomaly_scores]) if len(past_anomaly_scores) < 100: alpha = [] loc = [] beta = [] for i in range(10): boot_scores = np.random.choice(past_anomaly_scores.tolist(), size=100, replace=True) alpha_i, loc_i, beta_i = alpha.append(alpha_i) loc.append(loc_i) beta.append(beta_i) gamma_alpha = np.mean(alpha) gamma_loc = np.mean(loc) gamma_beta = np.mean(beta) else: gamma_alpha, gamma_loc, gamma_beta = else: past_anomaly_scores, gamma_alpha, gamma_loc, gamma_beta = None, None, None, None # If aggregated baseline type is specified, we take the whole training window as a baseline, else we # take the last training sub window from the sliced training data if baseline_type == "aggregated": sliced_training_data_cleaned = self._training_data_truncation( sliced_training_data=sliced_training_data_cleaned) if detection_method == "kldiv": baseline = list(chain.from_iterable(sliced_training_data_cleaned)) elif detection_method == "sign_test": baseline = sliced_training_data_cleaned elif baseline_type == "last_window": baseline = sliced_training_data_cleaned[-1] return past_anomaly_scores, gamma_alpha, gamma_loc, gamma_beta, detrend_order, \ baseline, agg_data_model, agg_data
[docs] def train(self, data, **kwargs): """ Input time series for training. :param pandas.DataFrame data: Input time series. :return: Trained model with the training timestamp and a success flag :rtype: tuple(bool, str, python model object) >>> data raw interpolated index 2017-10-02 00:00:00 118870 118870 2017-10-02 01:00:00 121914 121914 2017-10-02 02:00:00 116097 116097 2017-10-02 03:00:00 94511 94511 2017-10-02 04:00:00 68330 68330 ... ... ... 2018-10-10 19:00:00 219908 219908 2018-10-10 20:00:00 219149 219149 2018-10-10 21:00:00 207232 207232 2018-10-10 22:00:00 198741 198741 2018-10-10 23:00:00 213751 213751 >>> hyper_params = WindowDensityHyperParams(freq='H').params >>> wdm_obj = WindowDensityModel(hyper_params=hyper_params) >>> success, model = wdm_obj.train(data) >>> success, model (True, "2018-10-10 23:00:00", <luminaire.model.window_density.WindowDensityModel object at 0x7fd7c5a34e80>) """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd freq = pd.Timedelta(self._params['freq']) if self._params['freq'] not in ['S', 'T', '15T', 'H', 'D'] \ else self._params['freq'] if freq in ['S', 'T', '15T', 'H', 'D']: window_length = self._params['window_length'] else: min_window_length = self._params['min_window_length'] max_window_length = self._params['max_window_length'] window_length = self._params['window_length'] if not min_window_length or not max_window_length or not window_length: raise ValueError( 'Training window length with min and max should be specified in case frequency not in the ' 'specified list') is_log_transformed = self._params['is_log_transformed'] detrend_method = self._params['detrend_method'] target_metric = 'raw' imputed_metric = 'interpolated' if not self._params['detection_method']: if freq in ['S', 'T', '15T']: detection_method = 'kldiv' elif freq in ['H', 'D']: detection_method = 'sign_test' else: detection_method = 'sign_test' if freq > np.timedelta64(30, 'm') else 'kldiv' else: detection_method = self._params['detection_method'] if len(data) == 0: model = {'ErrorMessage': 'DataFrame length is 0'} success = False return success, WindowDensityModel(**model) # Shift the interpolated value by +1 and get the log. This handles values with 0. if is_log_transformed: neg_flag = True if not data[data[target_metric] < 0].empty else False data[imputed_metric] = data[imputed_metric] if neg_flag else np.log(data[imputed_metric] + 1) past_anomaly_scores, anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta, \ detrend_order, baseline, agg_data_model, agg_data, \ training_start, training_end = self._call_training(df=data, window_length=window_length, imputed_metric=imputed_metric, detrend_method=detrend_method, detection_method=detection_method, freq=freq, **kwargs) success = True self.hyper_params['is_log_transformed'] = is_log_transformed self.hyper_params['detection_method'] = detection_method model = {'TrainingStartDate': str(training_start), 'PastAnomalyScores': past_anomaly_scores, 'AnomalyScoresGammaAlpha': anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha, 'AnomalyScoresGammaLoc': anomaly_scores_gamma_loc, 'AnomalyScoresGammaBeta': anomaly_scores_gamma_beta, 'NonStationarityOrder': detrend_order, 'Baseline': baseline, 'AggregatedDataModel': agg_data_model, 'AggregatedData': agg_data } return success, str(training_end), WindowDensityModel(hyper_params=self.hyper_params, **model)
def _call_scoring(self, df=None, target_metric=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta=None, baseline=None, detrend_order=None, detrend_method=None, agg_data_model=None, detection_method=None, attributes=None, agg_data=None): """ This function generates the anomaly flag and and probability for the scoring window. :param pandas.DataFrame df: Input training data frame. :param str target_metric: Column storing the time series values. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha: Gamma fit alpha parameter. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_loc: Gamma fit location parameter. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_beta: Gamma fit beta parameter. :param list baseline: A list storing a baseline window used to score the scoring window. :param int detrend_order: The order of detrending based on MA or differencing method. :param str detrend_method: Selects between "modeling" or "diff" detrend method. :param luminaire.model.lad_structural.LADStructuralModel agg_data_model: Prediction model for aggregated data. :param str detection_method: Selects between "kldiv" or "sign_test" distance method. :param attributes: Model attributes. :param agg_data: Aggregated Data per day. :return: Returns the anomaly flag with the corresponding anomaly probability. :rtype: tuple(bool, float, dict) """ is_anomaly, prob_of_anomaly = self._anomalous_region_detection(input_df=df, value_column=target_metric, called_for="scoring", anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha=anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc=anomaly_scores_gamma_loc, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta=anomaly_scores_gamma_beta, baseline=baseline, detrend_order=detrend_order, detrend_method=detrend_method, agg_data_model=agg_data_model, detection_method=detection_method, agg_data=agg_data) return is_anomaly, prob_of_anomaly, attributes def _get_result(self, input_df=None, detrend_order=None, agg_data_model=None, value_column=None, detrend_method=None, baseline_type=None, detection_method=None, baseline=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta=None, agg_data=None): """ The function scores the scoring window for anomalies based on the training metrics and the baseline :param pandas.DataFrame input_df: Input data containing the training and the scoring data. :param int detrend_order: The non-negative order of detrending based on Modeling or differencing method. When the detrend_order > 0, corresponding detrending need to be performed using the method specified in the model config. :param luminaire.model.lad_structural.LADStructuralModel agg_data_model: Prediction model for aggregated data. :param str value_column: Column containing the values. :param str detrend_method: Selects between "modeling" or "diff" detrend method. :param str baseline_type: Selects between "aggregated" or "last_window" baseline. :param str detection_method: Selects between "kldiv" or "sign_test" distance method. :param list baseline: A list storing a baseline window used to score the scoring window. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha: Gamma fit alpha parameter. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_loc: Gamma fit location parameter. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_beta: Gamma fit beta parameter. :param agg_data: Aggregated Data per day. :return: Returns the anomaly flag with the corresponding anomaly probability. :rtype: tuple(bool, float) """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import copy import scipy.stats as st from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.covariance import EmpiricalCovariance, MinCovDet import collections import operator is_anomaly = False execution_data = input_df[value_column] adjusted_execution_data = [] prob_of_anomaly = [] len_req_agg_data_model = 42 # Setting a hard threshold to have predictions from aggregated data # for stationarity adjustment if detrend_method == 'diff': # Obtain the execution data and perform the necessary differencing execution_data = list(execution_data) adjusted_execution_data = np.diff(execution_data, detrend_order).tolist() if detrend_order > 0 \ else execution_data elif detrend_method == 'modeling': idx = input_df.index.normalize() dates_freq_dist = dict(collections.Counter(idx)) scoring_datetime = str(max(dates_freq_dist.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]) execution_data_avg = np.mean(execution_data) # If detrending is needed, we scale the scoring data accordingly using the agg_dat_model forecast if detrend_order > 0: snapshot_len_max = min(len(agg_data), len_req_agg_data_model) agg_data_trunc = np.array(agg_data)[:, 1][-snapshot_len_max:] data_adjust_forecast = [] try: # Setting the data adjustment window of the original data using the predictions and the CILower and # CIUpper keeping the prediction uncertainty of the agg_model in mind if agg_data_model and len(agg_data) > len_req_agg_data_model: score = agg_data_model.score(execution_data_avg, scoring_datetime) data_adjust_forecast.append(score['Prediction']) data_adjust_forecast.append(score['CILower']) data_adjust_forecast.append(score['CIUpper']) else: data_adjust_forecast.append(np.median(agg_data_trunc)) data_adjust_forecast.append(np.percentile(agg_data_trunc, 5)) # setting a 2-sigma limit data_adjust_forecast.append(np.percentile(agg_data_trunc, 95)) # setting a 2-sigma limit except: # If the scoring for the agg_data_model fails for some reason, we use the latest agg_data for the # detrending adjustment data_adjust_forecast.append(np.median(agg_data_trunc)) data_adjust_forecast.append(np.percentile(agg_data_trunc, 5)) # setting a 2-sigma limit data_adjust_forecast.append(np.percentile(agg_data_trunc, 95)) # setting a 2-sigma limit for i in range(3): if data_adjust_forecast[i] != 0: adjusted_execution_data.append((execution_data / data_adjust_forecast[i]).tolist()) else: adjusted_execution_data = list(execution_data) # Kl divergence based anomaly detection if detection_method == "kldiv": if detrend_order > 0: prob_of_anomaly = [] for i in range(3): current_anomaly_score = self._distance_function(data=adjusted_execution_data[i], called_for="scoring", baseline=baseline) prob_of_anomaly.append(st.gamma.cdf(current_anomaly_score, anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta)) prob_of_anomaly = np.min(prob_of_anomaly) else: current_anomaly_score = self._distance_function(data=adjusted_execution_data, called_for="scoring", baseline=baseline) prob_of_anomaly = st.gamma.cdf(current_anomaly_score, anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta) if 1 - prob_of_anomaly < self.sig_level: is_anomaly = True # Sign test based anomaly detection elif detection_method == "sign_test": # If last window is the baseline, we perform the Wilcoxon sign rank test for means and levene # test for variance to detect anomalies if baseline_type == "last_window": test_stat_wilcoxon, pvalue_wilcoxon = st.wilcoxon(execution_data, baseline) test_stat_levene, pvalue_levene = st.levene(execution_data, baseline) if pvalue_wilcoxon < self.sig_level or pvalue_levene < self.sig_level: is_anomaly = True prob_of_anomaly = 1 - min(pvalue_wilcoxon, pvalue_levene) # If aggregated is the baseline, we perform the Wilcoxon sign rank test for means and gamma distribution # based test for the past standard deviations to detect anomalies elif baseline_type == "aggregated": baseline_sds = np.array(baseline).std(1).tolist() if detrend_order == 0: # crearing a 2d list to make it easy to loop through in the following for loop adjusted_execution_data = [adjusted_execution_data] for current_adjusted_data in adjusted_execution_data: baseline_execution_data = copy.copy(baseline) baseline_execution_data.append(current_adjusted_data) pca = PCA() scores = pca.fit_transform(StandardScaler().fit_transform(baseline_execution_data)) robust_cov = MinCovDet().fit(scores[:, :3]) mahalanobis_distance = robust_cov.mahalanobis(scores[:, :3]) # getting the top 3 dimensions pvalue_mahalanobis = 1 - st.chi2.cdf(mahalanobis_distance[-1], np.array(baseline_execution_data).shape[1]) gamma_alpha, gamma_loc, gamma_beta = pvalue_gamma = 1 - st.gamma.cdf(np.std(current_adjusted_data), gamma_alpha, gamma_loc, gamma_beta) if pvalue_mahalanobis < self.sig_level or pvalue_gamma < self.sig_level: is_anomaly = True prob_of_anomaly.append(1 - min(pvalue_mahalanobis, pvalue_gamma)) prob_of_anomaly = np.min(prob_of_anomaly) return is_anomaly, prob_of_anomaly
[docs] def score(self, data, **kwargs): """ Function scores input series for anomalies :param pandas.DataFrame data: Input time series to score :return: Output dictionary with scoring summary. :rtype: dict >>> data raw interpolated index 2018-10-11 00:00:00 204800 204800 2018-10-11 01:00:00 222218 222218 2018-10-11 02:00:00 218903 218903 2018-10-11 03:00:00 190639 190639 2018-10-11 04:00:00 148214 148214 2018-10-11 05:00:00 106358 106358 2018-10-11 06:00:00 70081 70081 2018-10-11 07:00:00 47748 47748 2018-10-11 08:00:00 36837 36837 2018-10-11 09:00:00 33023 33023 2018-10-11 10:00:00 44432 44432 2018-10-11 11:00:00 72773 72773 2018-10-11 12:00:00 115180 115180 2018-10-11 13:00:00 157568 157568 2018-10-11 14:00:00 180174 180174 2018-10-11 15:00:00 190048 190048 2018-10-11 16:00:00 188391 188391 2018-10-11 17:00:00 189233 189233 2018-10-11 18:00:00 191703 191703 2018-10-11 19:00:00 189848 189848 2018-10-11 20:00:00 192685 192685 2018-10-11 21:00:00 196743 196743 2018-10-11 22:00:00 193016 193016 2018-10-11 23:00:00 196441 196441 >>> model <luminaire.model.window_density.WindowDensityModel object at 0x7fcaab72fdd8> >>> model.score(data) {'Success': True, 'ConfLevel': 99.9, 'IsAnomaly': False, 'AnomalyProbability': 0.6963188902776808} """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd is_log_transformed = self._params['is_log_transformed'] detrend_method = self._params['detrend_method'] target_metric = 'raw' imputed_metric = 'interpolated' detection_method = self._params['detection_method'] # We want to make sure the time series does not contain any negatives in case of log transformation if is_log_transformed: neg_flag = True if not data[data[target_metric] < 0].empty else False data[imputed_metric] = data[imputed_metric] if neg_flag else np.log(data[imputed_metric] + 1) model_timestamps = list(self._params['AnomalyScoresGammaAlpha'].keys()) scoring_start = data.index[0] current_min_timedelta = pd.Timedelta('10D') for timestamp in model_timestamps: current_datetime = pd.Timestamp(str( + ' ' + timestamp) temp_timedelta = scoring_start - current_datetime temp_timedelta = pd.Timedelta('1D') + temp_timedelta if temp_timedelta < pd.Timedelta(0) else temp_timedelta if temp_timedelta < current_min_timedelta: opt_timestamp = timestamp current_min_timedelta = temp_timedelta anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha = self._params['AnomalyScoresGammaAlpha'][opt_timestamp] anomaly_scores_gamma_loc = self._params['AnomalyScoresGammaLoc'][opt_timestamp] anomaly_scores_gamma_beta = self._params['AnomalyScoresGammaBeta'][opt_timestamp] baseline = self._params['Baseline'][opt_timestamp] detrend_order = self._params['NonStationarityOrder'][opt_timestamp] agg_data_model = self._params['AggregatedDataModel'][opt_timestamp] agg_data = self._params['AggregatedData'][opt_timestamp] is_anomaly, prob_of_anomaly, attributes = self._call_scoring(df=data, target_metric=target_metric, anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha=anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc=anomaly_scores_gamma_loc, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta=anomaly_scores_gamma_beta, baseline=baseline, detrend_order=detrend_order, detrend_method=detrend_method, agg_data_model=agg_data_model, detection_method=detection_method, agg_data=agg_data) result = {'Success': True, 'ConfLevel': float(1.0 - self.sig_level) * 100, 'IsAnomaly': is_anomaly, 'AnomalyProbability': float(prob_of_anomaly), } return result, data.reset_index().values.tolist()
def _anomalous_region_detection(self, input_df=None, window_length=None, value_column=None, called_for=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc=None, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta=None, detrend_order=None, baseline=None, detrend_method=None, agg_data_model=None, past_model=None, detection_method=None, agg_data=None): """ This function detects anomaly given a training and a scoring window. :param pandas.DataFrame input_df: Input data containing the training and the scoring data. :param int window_length: The length of a training sub-window / scoring window. :param str value_column: A string identifying the value column from the input dataframe :param str called_for: A flag to specify whether this function is called for training or scoring. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha: Gamma fit alpha parameter. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_loc: Gamma fit location parameter. :param float anomaly_scores_gamma_beta: Gamma fit beta parameter. :param int detrend_order: Number of differencing for the scoring data. Only required if called for scoring. :param list baseline: The baseline for the scoring. only required if called for scoring. :param str detrend_method: Selects between "modeling" or "diff" detrend method. :param luminaire.model.lad_structural.LADStructuralModel agg_data_model: Prediction model for aggregated data. :param luminaire.model.window_density.WindowDensityModel past_model: Past stored window density model. :param str detection_method: Selects between "kldiv" or "sign_test" distance method. :param agg_data: Aggregated Data per day. :return: Anomaly flag with the corresponding probability of anomaly. :rtype: tuple(bool, float) """ baseline_type = self._params['baseline_type'] input_df.fillna(0, inplace=True) # The function can be called for either training or scoring if called_for == "training": return self._get_model(input_df=input_df, window_length=window_length, value_column=value_column, detrend_method=detrend_method, baseline_type=baseline_type, detection_method=detection_method, past_model=past_model) elif called_for == "scoring": return self._get_result(input_df=input_df, detrend_order=detrend_order, agg_data_model=agg_data_model, value_column=value_column, detrend_method=detrend_method, baseline_type=baseline_type, detection_method=detection_method, baseline=baseline, anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha=anomaly_scores_gamma_alpha, anomaly_scores_gamma_loc=anomaly_scores_gamma_loc, anomaly_scores_gamma_beta=anomaly_scores_gamma_beta, agg_data=agg_data)