Source code for luminaire.optimization.hyperparameter_optimization

from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp, STATUS_OK
from luminaire.model import LADStructuralModel, LADStructuralHyperParams, LADFilteringModel, LADFilteringHyperParams
from luminaire.exploration.data_exploration import DataExploration
from luminaire.utils.random_state_validation import check_random_state
import warnings

[docs] class HyperparameterOptimization(object): """ Hyperparameter optimization for LAD outlier detection configuration for batch data. :param str freq: The frequency of the time-series. A `Pandas offset`_ such as 'D', 'H', or 'M'. Luminaire currently supports the following pandas frequency types: 'H', 'D', 'W', 'W-SUN', 'W-MON', 'W-TUE', 'W-WED', 'W-THU', 'W-FRI', 'W-SAT'. :param str detection_type: Luminaire anomaly detection type. Only Outlier detection for batch data is currently supported. :param float min_ts_mean: Minimum average values in the most recent window of the time series. This optional parameter can be used to avoid over-alerting from noisy low volume time series. :param int max_ts_length: The maximum required length of the time series for training. :param int min_ts_length: The minimum required length of the time series for training. The input time series will be truncated if the length is greater than this value. :param int scoring_length: Number of innovations to be scored after training window with respect to the frequency. :param int random_state: Turn seed into a np.random.RandomState instance .. _Pandas offset: """ def __init__(self, freq, detection_type='OutlierDetection', min_ts_mean=None, max_ts_length=None, min_ts_length=None, scoring_length=None, random_state=None, **kwargs): self._target_metric = 'raw' self.freq = freq self.detection_type = detection_type self.min_ts_mean=min_ts_mean self._target_index = 'index' self._target_metric = 'raw' self.max_ts_length = max_ts_length self.min_ts_length = min_ts_length self.anomaly_intensity_list = [-0.6, -0.3, -0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6] scoring_length_dict = { 'H': 36, 'D': 10, 'W': 8, 'M': 6, } self.scoring_length = scoring_length or (scoring_length_dict.get(freq) if freq in scoring_length_dict.keys() else 30) self.random_state = random_state def _mape(self, actuals, predictions): """ This function computes the mean absolute percentage error for the observed vs the predicted values. :param numpy.array actuals: Observed values :param numpy.array predictions: Predicted values :return: Mean absolute percentage error :rtype: numpy.nanmean """ import numpy as np actuals = np.array(actuals) predictions = np.array(predictions) non_zero_idx = set(np.argwhere(actuals)[:,0].tolist()) non_none_idx = set(np.where(~np.isnan(predictions.astype(float)))[0].tolist()) filtered_idx = list(non_zero_idx.intersection(non_none_idx)) filtered_actuals = actuals[filtered_idx] filtered_predictions = predictions[filtered_idx] mape = np.nanmean(np.abs((filtered_actuals - filtered_predictions) / filtered_actuals)) return mape if not np.isnan(mape) else None def _synthetic_anomaly_check(self, observation, prediction, std_error): """ This function performs anomaly detection based on synthetic anomalies for a given anomaly intensity list :param float observation: Observed value :param float prediction: Predicted value :param float std_error: Standard error for the predictive model :return: return the list of anomaly flags with the corresponding probabilities :rtype: tuple[list, list] """ import numpy as np import scipy.stats as st float_min = 1e-10 anomaly_flags = [] anomaly_probabilities = [] # Anomaly detection based on synthetic anomalies generated through a given intensity list for prop in self.anomaly_intensity_list: rnd = check_random_state(self.random_state) trial_prob = rnd.uniform(0, 1, 1) if trial_prob < 0.4: synthetic_value = observation + (prop * observation) anomaly_flags.append(1) else: synthetic_value = observation anomaly_flags.append(0) zscore_abs = abs((synthetic_value - prediction) / max(float(std_error), float_min)) probability = (2 * st.norm(0, 1).cdf(zscore_abs)) - 1 anomaly_probabilities.append(probability[0]) return anomaly_flags, anomaly_probabilities def _objective_part(self, data, smoothed_series, args): """ This is the objective function that outputs the loss for a giveen set of hyperparameters for optimization through hyperopt :param pandas.DataFrame data: Input time series data :param list smoothed_series: Input time series after smoothing :param args: :return: AUC based on observed (synthetic) and predicted anomalies :rtype: dict >>> data raw 2016-01-02 1753421.0 2016-01-03 1879108.0 2016-01-04 1462725.0 2016-01-05 1525162.0 2016-01-06 1424264.0 ... ... 2018-10-24 1726884.0 2018-10-25 1685651.0 2018-10-26 1632952.0 2018-10-27 1850912.0 2018-10-28 2021929.0 >>> {'loss': 1 - auc, 'status': STATUS_OK} {'loss': 0.3917824074074072, 'status': 'ok'} """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import log_loss import copy is_log_transformed = args[0] data_shift_truncate = args[1] fill_rate = args[2] # Getting hyperparameters for lad structural model if args[3]['model'] == 'LADStructuralModel': max_ft_freq = args[3]['param']['max_ft_freq'] include_holidays_exog = args[3]['param']['include_holidays_exog'] p = args[3]['param']['p'] q = args[3]['param']['q'] ts_start = data.index.min() ts_end = data.index.max() max_ts_length = self.max_ts_length min_ts_length = self.min_ts_length freq = self.freq scoring_length = self.scoring_length train_end = (pd.Timestamp(ts_end) - pd.Timedelta("{}".format(scoring_length) + freq)).to_pydatetime() score_start = (pd.Timestamp(train_end) + pd.Timedelta("1" + freq)).to_pydatetime() training_data = data.loc[ts_start:train_end] scoring_data = data.loc[score_start:ts_end] try: # Required data preprocessing before training and scoring de_obj = DataExploration(freq=self.freq, min_ts_length=self.min_ts_length, min_ts_mean=self.min_ts_mean, max_ts_length=self.max_ts_length, is_log_transformed=is_log_transformed, data_shift_truncate=data_shift_truncate, detection_type=self.detection_type, fill_rate=fill_rate) training_data, preprocess_summary = de_obj.profile(df=training_data) is_log_transformed = preprocess_summary['is_log_transformed'] # Getting De-noised smoothed series for generating synthetic anomalies smoothed_scoring_series = smoothed_series[-len(scoring_data):] labels = [] probs = [] if args[3]['model'] == 'LADStructuralModel': # LAD structural training and scoring hyper_params = LADStructuralHyperParams(is_log_transformed=is_log_transformed, max_ft_freq=max_ft_freq, include_holidays_exog=include_holidays_exog, p=p, q=q) lad_struct = LADStructuralModel(hyper_params.params, max_ts_length=max_ts_length, min_ts_length=min_ts_length, freq=freq) success, model_date, model = lad_struct.train(data=training_data, optimize=True, **preprocess_summary) scr_idx = 0 obs = [] preds = [] # Scoring and anomaly classification for synthetic anomalies for i, row in scoring_data.iterrows(): observed_value = row.raw obs.append(observed_value) result = model.score(observed_value, i) prediction = result['Prediction'] preds.append(prediction) std_error = result['StdErr'] observation = smoothed_scoring_series[scr_idx] scr_idx = scr_idx + 1 anomaly_flags, anomaly_probabilities = self._synthetic_anomaly_check(prediction=prediction, std_error=std_error, observation=observation) labels = labels + anomaly_flags probs = probs + anomaly_probabilities mape = self._mape(obs, preds) elif args[3]['model'] == 'LADFilteringModel': # LAD filtering training and scoring hyper_params = LADFilteringHyperParams(is_log_transformed=is_log_transformed) lad_filtering = LADFilteringModel(hyper_params.params, max_ts_length=max_ts_length, min_ts_length=min_ts_length, freq=freq) success, model_date, stable_model = lad_filtering.train(training_data, **preprocess_summary) # Scoring and anomaly classification for synthetic anomalies for prop in self.anomaly_intensity_list: anomaly_flags_list = [] anomaly_probabilities_list = [] local_model = copy.deepcopy(stable_model) for i, row in scoring_data.iterrows(): rnd = check_random_state(self.random_state) trial_prob = rnd.random.uniform(0, 1, 1) observed_value = row.raw synthetic_actual = observed_value if trial_prob < 0.4: synthetic_actual = observed_value + (prop * observed_value) anomaly_flags_list.append(1) else: anomaly_flags_list.append(0) result, local_model = local_model.score(observed_value=observed_value, pred_date=i, synthetic_actual=synthetic_actual) anomaly_probabilities_list.append(result['AnomalyProbability']) labels = labels + anomaly_flags_list probs = probs + anomaly_probabilities_list if args[3]['model'] == 'LADStructuralModel' and mape: cost = np.sqrt(mape * log_loss(labels, probs)) else: cost = log_loss(labels, probs) except Exception as e: return {'loss': 1e100, 'status': STATUS_OK} return {'loss': cost, 'status': STATUS_OK} def _optimize(self, data, objective_part, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=50): """ Optimization function that calls the hyperopt for a given set of hyperparameters :param pandas.dataFrame data: Input time series data :param python function objective_part: Partial objective function with the hyperparameters only :param str algo: hyperopt optimization algorithm :param int max_evals: Maximum number of evaluation :return: Optimal hyperparameters :rtype: dict """ import numpy as np from functools import partial from pykalman import KalmanFilter # detection_type: [OutlierDetection, LaggedOutlierDetection, VolumeDropDetection] if self.detection_type == 'OutlierDetection': hyper_param_list = [ {'model': 'LADStructuralModel', 'param': {'max_ft_freq': hp.randint('max_ft_freq', 6) + 2, 'include_holidays_exog': hp.randint('include_holidays_exog', 1) + 1 if self.freq == 'D' else hp.randint('include_holidays_exog', 1), 'p': hp.randint('p', 6) + 1, 'q': hp.randint('q', 6) + 1} }, {'model': 'LADFilteringModel'}] space = [hp.randint('is_log_transformed',2), hp.randint('data_shift_truncate', 2), hp.uniform('fill_rate', 0.7, 1.0), hp.choice('LuminaireModel', [ {'model': hyper_param_list[0]['model'], 'param': hyper_param_list[0]['param']}, {'model': hyper_param_list[1]['model']}])] try: series = data[self._target_metric].values kf = KalmanFilter(random_state=self.random_state) smoothed_series, cov_series = kf.em(series).smooth(series) except: raise ValueError('Kalman Smoothing requires more than one data point') objective = partial(objective_part, data, smoothed_series) else: raise ValueError('Only `detection_type=OutlierDetection` is supported in hyperparameter optimization right now') # Calling the optimization function hyper_param = fmin(objective, space=space, algo=algo, max_evals=max_evals, show_progressbar=True, rstate=np.random.default_rng(self.random_state)) hyper_param['LuminaireModel'] = hyper_param_list[hyper_param['LuminaireModel']]['model'] if 'max_ft_freq' in hyper_param: hyper_param['max_ft_freq'] = hyper_param['max_ft_freq'] + 2 if 'include_holidays_exog' in hyper_param and self.freq == 'D': hyper_param['include_holidays_exog'] = hyper_param['include_holidays_exog'] + 1 if 'p' in hyper_param: hyper_param['p'] = hyper_param['p'] + 1 if 'q' in hyper_param: hyper_param['q'] = hyper_param['q'] + 1 return hyper_param
[docs] def run(self, data, max_evals=50): """ This function runs hyperparameter optimization fort LAD batch outlier detection models :param list[list] data: Input time series. :param int max_evals: Number of iterations for hyperparameter optimization. :return: Optimal hyperparameters. :rtype: dict >>> data [[Timestamp('2020-01-01 00:00:00'), 1326.0], [Timestamp('2020-01-02 00:00:00'), 1552.0], [Timestamp('2020-01-03 00:00:00'), 1432.0], . . . , [Timestamp('2020-06-06 00:00:00'), 1747.0], [Timestamp('2020-06-07 00:00:00'), 1782.0]] >>> hopt_obj = HyperparameterOptimization(freq='D', detection_type='OutlierDetection') >>> hyper_params = hopt_obj._run(data=data, max_evals=5) >>> hyper_params {'LuminaireModel': 'LADStructuralModel', 'data_shift_truncate': 0, 'fill_rate': 0.8409249603686499, 'include_holidays_exog': 1, 'is_log_transformed': 1, 'max_ft_freq': 3, 'p': 4, 'q': 3} """ # Calling data exploration to perform imputation only de_obj = DataExploration(freq=self.freq, detection_type=self.detection_type) data, summary = de_obj.profile(df=data, impute_only=True) if summary['success']: return self._optimize(data=data, objective_part=self._objective_part, max_evals=max_evals) else: return None