Developer’s Guide#

Development Dependencies#

Building the package from source additionally requires the following dependencies:

  • cython (>=3.0a4)

We also use pre-commit hooks to identify simple issues before submission.

Setting Up Your Environment#

To contribute to the quantile-forest source code, start by forking and then cloning the repository (i.e. git clone

Once inside the repository, you can prepare a development environment. Using conda:

conda create -n qf python=3.12
conda activate qf
conda install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Development Installation#

To manually build and install the package, run:

pip install --verbose --editable .


If the build fails because SciPy is not installed, ensure OpenBLAS and LAPACK are available and accessible.

On macOS, run:

brew install openblas
brew install lapack

Test and Coverage#

Ensure that pytest and pytest-cov are installed:

pip install pytest pytest-cov

To test the code:

python -m pytest quantile_forest -v

To test the code and produce a coverage report:

python -m pytest quantile_forest --cov-report html --cov=quantile_forest

To test the documentation:

python -m pytest --doctest-glob="*.rst" --doctest-modules docs


To build the documentation, run:

pip install -r ./docs/sphinx_requirements.txt
mkdir -p ./docs/_images
sphinx-build -b html ./docs ./docs/_build