Fitting and Predicting#

Quantile forests can be fit and used to predict like standard scikit-learn estimators. In this package, the quantile forests extend standard scikit-learn forest regressors and inherent their model parameters, in addition to offering additional parameters related to quantile regression. We’ll discuss many of the important model parameters below.

Fitting a Model#

Let’s fit a quantile forest on a simple regression dataset:

>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
>>> from quantile_forest import RandomForestQuantileRegressor
>>> X, y = datasets.load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25)
>>> qrf = RandomForestQuantileRegressor()
>>>, y_train)

During model initialization, the parameter max_samples_leaf can be specified, which determines the maximum number of samples per leaf node to retain. If max_samples_leaf is smaller than the number of samples in a given leaf node, then a subset of values are randomly selected. By default, the model retains one randomly selected sample per leaf node (max_samples_leaf=1), which enables the use of optimizations at prediction time that are not available when a variable number of samples may be retained per leaf. All samples can be retained by specifying max_samples_leaf=None. Note that the number of retained samples can materially impact the size of the model object.

Making Predictions#

A notable advantage of quantile forests is that they can be fit once, while arbitrary quantiles can be estimated at prediction time. Accordingly, since the quantiles can be specified at prediction time, the model accepts an optional parameter during the call to the predict method, which can be a float or list of floats that specify the empirical quantiles to return:

>>> y_pred = qrf.predict(X_test, quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
>>> y_pred.shape[1]

If the predict method is called without quantiles, the prediction defaults to the empirical median (quantiles=0.5):

>>> y_pred = qrf.predict(X_test)  # returns empirical median prediction

If the predict method is explicitly called with quantiles="mean", the prediction returns the empirical mean:

>>> y_pred = qrf.predict(X_test, quantiles="mean")  # returns mean prediction

Default quantiles can be specified at model initialization using the default_quantiles parameter:

>>> qrf = RandomForestQuantileRegressor(default_quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
>>>, y_train)
RandomForestQuantileRegressor(default_quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
>>> y_pred = qrf.predict(X_test)  # predicts using the default quantiles
>>> y_pred.ndim == 2
>>> y_pred.shape[1] == 3

The default quantiles can be overwritten at prediction time by specifying a value for quantiles:

>>> qrf = RandomForestQuantileRegressor(default_quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
>>>, y_train)
RandomForestQuantileRegressor(default_quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
>>> y_pred = qrf.predict(X_test, quantiles=0.5)  # uses override quantiles
>>> y_pred.ndim == 1

The output of the predict method is an array with one column for each specified quantile or a single column if an individual quantile is specified. The order of the output columns corresponds to the order of the quantiles, which can be specified in any order (i.e., they do not need to be monotonically ordered):

>>> y_pred = qrf.predict(X_test, quantiles=[0.5, 0.25, 0.75])
>>> bool((y_pred[:, 0] >= y_pred[:, 1]).all())

Multi-target quantile regression is also supported. If the target values are multi-dimensional, then the second output column will correspond to the number of targets:

>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> from quantile_forest import RandomForestQuantileRegressor
>>> X, y = datasets.make_regression(n_samples=100, n_targets=2, random_state=0)
>>> y.shape
(100, 2)
>>> qrf_multi = RandomForestQuantileRegressor()
>>>, y)
>>> quantiles = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
>>> y_pred = qrf_multi.predict(X, quantiles=quantiles)
>>> y_pred.ndim == 3
>>> y_pred.shape[0] == len(X)
>>> y_pred.shape[2] == len(quantiles)
>>> y_pred.shape[1] == y.shape[1]  # number of targets

Quantile Weighting#

By default, the predict method calculates quantiles using a weighted quantile method (weighted_quantile=True), which assigns a weight to each sample in the training set based on the number of times that it co-occurs in the same leaves as the test sample. When the number of samples in the training set is larger than the expected number of co-occurring samples across all trees, it can be more efficient to calculate an unweighted quantile (weighted_quantile=False), which aggregates a list of training y values for each leaf node to which the test sample belongs across all trees. For a given input, both methods can return the same output values:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> y_pred_weighted = qrf.predict(X_test, weighted_quantile=True)
>>> y_pred_unweighted = qrf.predict(X_test, weighted_quantile=False)
>>> np.allclose(y_pred_weighted, y_pred_unweighted)

By default, the predict method calculates quantiles by giving each sample in a leaf (including repeated bootstrap samples) equal weight (weighted_leaves=False). If weighted_leaves=True, each sample will be weighted inversely according to the size of its leaf node. Note that this leaf-based weighting can only be used with weighted quantiles.

Out-of-Bag Estimation#

Out-of-bag (OOB) predictions can be returned by specifying oob_score=True:

>>> y_pred_oob = qrf.predict(X_train, quantiles=0.5, oob_score=True)

By default, when the predict method is called with the OOB flag set to True, it assumes that the input samples are the training samples, arranged in the same order as during model fitting. It accepts an optional parameter that can be used to specify the training index of each input sample, with -1 used to specify non-training samples that can in effect be scored in-bag (IB) during the same call:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> X_mixed = np.concatenate([X_train, X_test])
>>> indices = np.concatenate([np.arange(len(X_train)), np.full(len(X_test), -1)])
>>> kwargs = {"oob_score": True, "indices": indices}
>>> y_pred_mix = qrf.predict(X_mixed, quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], **kwargs)
>>> y_pred_train_oob = y_pred_mix[:len(X_train)]  # training predictions are OOB
>>> y_pred_test = y_pred_mix[-len(X_test):]  # new test data predictions are IB

This allows all samples, both from the training and test sets, to be scored with a single call to predict, whereby OOB predictions are returned for the training samples and IB (i.e., non-OOB) predictions are returned for the test samples.

Random Forest Predictions#

The predictions of a standard random forest can also be recovered from a quantile forest without retraining when initialized with max_samples_leaf=None. This can be accomplished at inference time by passing quantiles="mean" (or quantiles=0.5 if the model was specifically fitted with criterion="absolute_error") and aggregate_leaves_first=False, the latter which specifies a Boolean flag to average the leaf values before aggregating the leaves across trees. This configuration essentially replicates the prediction process used by a standard random forest regressor, which is an averaging of mean (or median) leaf values across trees:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
>>> from quantile_forest import RandomForestQuantileRegressor
>>> X, y = datasets.load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25)
>>> rf = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0)
>>> qrf = RandomForestQuantileRegressor(max_samples_leaf=None, random_state=0)
>>>, y_train)
>>>, y_train)
RandomForestQuantileRegressor(max_samples_leaf=None, random_state=0)
>>> kwargs = {"quantiles": "mean", "aggregate_leaves_first": False}
>>> y_pred_rf = rf.predict(X_test)
>>> y_pred_qrf = qrf.predict(X_test, **kwargs)
>>> np.allclose(y_pred_rf, y_pred_qrf)

User-Specified Functions#

While a QRF is designed to estimate quantiles from the empirical distribution calculated for each sample, in many cases it may be useful to use the empirical distribution to calculate other quantities of interest. For more details, see Computing User-Specified Functions with QRFs.